“ WhatsApp is working on introducing a playback speed button for forwarded voice notes. The feature has been spotted in a recent beta version of WhatsApp beta for iOS, but it’s currently under development, and it’s surely coming on the next versions of WhatsApp beta for Android as well,” the platform stated. This can be a useful tool for those who are pressed for time in their 9-to-5 jobs or their personal lives. If you don’t want to hear the entire message at the current speed, increase the speed. The most basic example would be skipping a song while watching a movie. WhatsApp has been working on several new features in response to the growing popularity of rival apps such as Telegram and Signal. The instant messaging app is attempting to incorporate updates and features that will make the users’ experience easier and smoother. According to earlier this month’s reports, WhatsApp is working on a new Community feature that will give group administrators more power. According to WABetaInfo, the feature will give admins the ability to invite new users via a Community invite link and then begin messaging other members. However, it is unclear when the feature will be available for Android users, but voice message transcription will soon be available for iOS beta users.