With so many mentions of CBD in the media, it takes a lot to stand out. It is also imperative for each organization to determine its target audience. Saying that you intend to sell to every demographic is vague and not conducive to success. In this article, we briefly outline who CBD businesses should target, with a nod toward developing a presence on social media.

 CBD Demographics

Do you have any idea which consumer base to target? If you are a hip and trendy brand, it behooves you to focus on a younger audience. If you believe that CBD can relieve pain, you need to look at those who use the cannabinoid for this purpose. Perhaps you want to look at seniors in a bid to help them edge away from prescription drugs. Whatever your ambition, it is essential for you to gather the requisite data.  For example, did you know that the popularity of CBD decreases with age? A Gallup poll from 2020 found that 20% of people aged 18-29 used the cannabinoid. However, just 8% of people aged 65+ admitted to consuming it regularly.  Also, 40% of people aged 18-29 say they have tried CBD at least once. This is in contrast to 15% of people aged 60+ who admitted trying it.  Meanwhile, over 60% of people use it to help with the symptoms of a medical condition. The top three most common conditions are pain, anxiety, and depression. Research from Consumer Reports in 2019 suggested that 22% of people who buy CBD use it to replace or supplement prescription or OTC drugs.  Scientific research exists which backs up claims that CBD can help with pain. A review of studies published in Frontiers in Pharmacology in 2020 acknowledged as much. The researchers wrote that CBD represented an opportunity for intractable chronic pain patients when primary treatments are ineffective or unavailable.  With this in mind, you now at least have some insight into who uses CBD and why. Utilize this information to create a marketing strategy or business plan.

 What Can Social Media Tell Us?

Synthesio is a real-time social media command center. It conducted detailed research into CBD in social media. An interesting discovery related to CBD product types and the method of consumption.  CBD oil was probably the first mainstream cannabidiol product. It got out in front of everyone else and hasn’t come close to relinquishing its market lead. Synthesio found that in terms of CBD in social media mentions, sublingual consumption took up two-thirds of conversations! Inhalation was a distant second with just over 18%.  However, what’s interesting is that recent surveys on CBD use suggest a much closer competition. While almost half of CBD users say they consume CBD oils, nearly 40% say they have tried a vape pen.  Therefore, if you listen to CBD in media, it seems as if your best bet as a business is to focus on CBD oils, vape juice, and vaporizer. After all, these products make up the majority of sales. You should only invest in edibles, topicals, and other products once you have established a foothold in the vape pen and CBD oil markets.  Further research discovered that more people learned about CBD from a family member or friend than online! This means it is crucial to make a positive first impression. Not only will you get repeat customers, but you could also benefit from referral business. 

Final Thoughts on CBD in Media and Social Media

If you want to set up a CBD business, you need to determine your target audience and cater to them, first and foremost. What age group or other demographics do you want to target? Do you want to spend much of your marketing funds on social media? What products do you intend to sell?  Only when you know the answers to these questions can you begin a CBD marketing strategy. You will also uncover a variety of ways to increase brand awareness. For example, some companies use ‘influencers.’ These are people with a massive social media presence who can spread the word about your company to their followers.  No matter who you target or what products you sell, make sure you extract the CBD from premium-quality hemp. It is also essential to include third-party lab reports with every batch of products. This will do wonders for your credibility. In such a saturated market, you need all the help you can get!  About the Author After moving from Canada to the United States, Kayla Burns decided to put her knowledge of nutrition and supplements to good use. It was there that she chose to join the WayofLeaf team and provide informative and accurate content about CBD, hemp, and cannabis. Kayla believes that these plants have enormous therapeutic potential. She looks forward to the industry’s inevitable growth, along with its likely positive effect on people in need of natural ways to heal.